FORTUS Acceptable Use Policy

The FORTUS Terms of Use describe what content is acceptable on FORTUS, with reference to this Acceptable Use Policy.

In conjunction with the FORTUS Community Standards, we expect all users to abide by these rules. You must refrain from breaking any of the restrictions outlined under Content and Conduct below. You must also not assist or abet others in breaking these restrictions.

Please refer to the Report, Content Moderation, and Appeal sections for more details.


1.    Content

You must not post, publish, distribute, transmit, store or allude to any content, data, material or information that fits the below definitions.


Unlawful, vulgar, or disruptive

Anything that:

a.   Is illegal, or promotes illegal activities.

b.  Constitutes abuse or harassment.

c.   Is hateful, abusive, or discriminatory towards others.

d.  Depicts or incites violent behaviour.

e.   Is sexually explicit, or else sexual in nature, especially regarding abuse and exploitation, including of minors.

f.     Targets minors in an inappropriate or exploitative manner.

g.  Clearly negatively impacts the FORTUS experience or any environment, including a gym environment, for other users or members of the public.


Plagiarism, impersonation, infringement of rights, or inauthentic content

          Anything that:

a.   Constitutes fraudulent, deceptive, misleading or false information/representations of anything or anyone.

b.  Is spurious or inauthentic, such as posting fake workout information.

c.   Violates any privacy, publicity or other personal rights of others.

d.  Infringes upon, misappropriates, dilutes or otherwise violates any intellectual property, such as copyrights, patents, trademarks, trade secrets or proprietary information.


2.  Conduct

You must not engage in any of the following conduct.


Disruptive behaviour

Any conduct that is:

a.   Excessively annoying or irritating in a way that negatively impacts other users’ experience. For example, repeatedly:

(i)                     Posting non-gym content where it is not appropriate to do so.

(ii)                  Requesting followers, daps, comments, or other engagement to increase the visibility or popularity of your content.

(iii)               Posting the same content you have already posted.


b.  Causes others to feel uncomfortable or unsafe, or is otherwise malicious or harmful in nature.

(i)                     Defamation of others.

(ii)                  Reveals personal information of others, such as doxxing.

(iii)               Sharing other users’ content without their permission.


Malicious or harmful activities

Any activities that are malicious or harmful to any of FORTUS, the FORTUS Services or Platform, or any Users or Employees.

a.   Anything that impedes or negatively impacts the Services or Platform, including the App and Website, or that impacts any other third-party services, websites, applications, networks etc.

This can include:

(i)                     Using automated systems to send more requests to the FORTUS App or Website than a human can reasonably produce in the same time period.

(ii)                  Creating user accounts in bulk.

(iii)               Bypassing or attempting to bypass limits on automated interactions such as daps or comments.

(iv)                Actions that, at our discretion, we consider to be creating an unreasonable or disproportionately large burden on our infrastructure.

(v)                   Purposely tries to disrupt, impede, reduce, or otherwise negatively affect the integrity, confidentiality, security or availability of the Services or Platform, or the computers, networks, services, accounts or other digital infrastructure of any other parties.

This includes, but is not limited to:

·      Distributed Denial-of-Service (DDoS) attacks

·      Scanning, probing or conducting vulnerability assessment activities

·      Engaging in or permitting any network or hosting activity that results in a deny list or other blockage of FORTUS internet protocol space


b.  Targets or attempts to target our users or employees through deceptive, fraudulent or misleading means, such as phishing, social engineering, or malicious computer programs, such as viruses, worms, and Trojan horses.


Unauthorised access or use

Any activity or action which is unauthorised by FORTUS in relation to any of the below.

a.   Collecting any information relating to an identified or identifiable individual from the Platform

b.  Using the Platform in a manner for which it is not intended, at our discretion

c.   Submitting to FORTUS or the Platform any personally identifiable information except as specified for the creation of your account and where you agree to provide this information for us after we prompt you.

d.  Attempting to monitor FORTUS to monitor its availability, performance or functionality

e.   Attempting to monitor or analyse the Platform’s network, such as by using a packet sniffer or other technology, in order to intercept, mine, decode or display any packets used to communicate information with regard to any part of the FORTUS Platform.

f.     Allowing any third party to access the Services unless approved by FORTUS

g.  Performing any action on the source code of the software underlying the Services or Platform or any part thereof, unless required by law, whereupon prior written notice must be given.

h.  Bypassing or flouting any measures used to prevent or restrict access to the Platform, including features that prevent or restrict use or copying of any content.

i.     Removing or modifying any copyright, trademark, or other proprietary rights notices displayed or contained anywhere on the Platform or Services.

j.     Evading or flouting an enforcement by FORTUS, such as by creating a new user account after being banned or by reposting content that was removed.


3.  Report

You can report content on the FORTUS App by contacting us at with a description and screenshot of the content, and describing why it’s inappropriate.

You should report anything that you believe violates the law, the FORTUS Community Standards, Terms of Use, or Acceptable Use Policy.

In the FORTUS App, users can select the Report option next to the content or user account. This will prompt the user for more information to assist us with moderation.


4. Content Moderation

FORTUS takes a proactive approach to content moderation on the FORTUS App. We manually review all reports and will take action as necessary to safeguard the Platform.

Any content that violates our Terms of Use, Community Standards, or Acceptable Use Policy may be removed without notice.

Furthermore, any behaviour that violates the Terms of Use, Community Standards or Acceptable Use Policy may result in access to features being revoked or limited, and/or account suspension or termination.


5. Appeal

You can appeal an enforcement action by emailing with an explanation of why you believe the enforcement action was wrong or misguided.

All appeals are governed by the sole discretion of FORTUS.